What is Considered Rural America? | United Country Real Estate
By United Country Real EstateFebruary 09, 2024

Around 60 million people, or one in five Americans, live in what is considered rural America. What does that mean?
What is Considered Rural America?
In the U.S., the distinction between rural and urban areas
hinges on population size with rural areas defined as having fewer than 50,000
residents. This categorization sheds light on the vast differences between rural
and urban living conditions available. Urban areas are characterized by higher
population density are divided into urbanized areas and clusters, reflecting varying
degrees of population concertation.
vs. Urban
Rural areas, encompassing a significant portion of the U.S.
land mass, contrast greatly with urban areas in terms of density and development.
While cities boast large populations and account for a major share of the U.S.
population, rural areas offer a different and more private environments. These
differences impact everything from lifestyle to employment opportunities with rural
areas seeing less density but also less access to certain amenities.
and Poverty
Employment in rural regions significantly
leans towards agriculture, highlighting the section’s importance in less urban
parts of the country. Despite contributing significantly to the country’s GDP,
these rural and country regions face challenges like higher poverty rates than
their urban counterparts. This is influenced by limited access to markets,
education and health services.
Rural Migration
The COVID-19 pandemic started a notable
demographic shift, known as “The Rural Migration” with more than 325,000
Americans moving from cities to rural counties in the first year alone. This
movement, primarily towards the southern parts of the nation, marked a significant
reversal in America’s long-time population decline. For the first time in years,
rural areas saw a population increase, indicating a new interest in the
lifestyle and benefits offered by less densely populated regions.
The topic of the recent Rural Migration has a
lot of components and can be considered a complex issue. If this teaser article
piqued your interest, read
the full article on United Country’s dedicated country homes website that goes
in further discussing the differences between urban and rural communities and
so much more.