From Farm to Table: Are GMOs Safe?
By Natalia KomeOctober 15, 2020

Discover the truth behind GMOs and how they affect crops.
From Farm to Table: Are GMOs Safe?
engineered food has been around since the early 1990's, but there continues to
be confusion about what exactly they are and if they are safe.
Most reports and studies show that crops that contained GMOs are as safe to eat as their counterparts.
To settle any
confusion, GMOs are Genetically Modified Organisms like a plant, animal or
microorganism that had its DNA changed, including transferring DNA from one
organism to another. Since they launched nearly 30 years ago, the FDA, EPA and
USDA have worked together to make sure GMOs are safe for both people and
animals as well as the environment. Most GMO crops we consume are corn,
soybeans, potatoes, sugar beets, squash and papaya. Many farmers also put them
in food for cows, chickens and fish.
Some GMO plants are actually full of more healthy nutrients than non-GMO plants, like soybeans, which sometimes contain healthier oils to replace trans fats.
Many also
contain plant-incorporated protectants (PIP) that make them insect resistant.
However, there are arguments that GMOs don't increase yields for farmers,
especially with smaller farms, and can lead to expensive problems with
herbicide resistant weeds.
In a nutshell, GMOs are just as safe to eat and have reduced the usage of pesticides.
In fact, it can provide increased nutrition and better nutrient use. The problem, many researchers say, is getting the public on board. For more information about GMOs, visit the Food and Drug Administration's website.
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