How to Prepare Your Home for Winter
By Angela Smith, Communications ManagerNovember 12, 2020

. Without proper care and preparations, the snow, ice and wind can cause irreversible damage to our homes.
Cold weather (and snow for some parts of the country) is
coming whether we like it or not. Without proper care and preparations, the
snow, ice and wind can cause irreversible damage to our homes so it is
important to take precautions to ensure your home survives the winter. Below
are some preparations every homeowner should take before winter arrives.
Clean your gutters.
Cluttered gutters can cause many problems for your home like deterioration to
your exterior and foundation. It can also cause your sidewalks and porch to? obtain
water and create even more problems.
Prepare your
fireplace/chimney. Have a professional inspect and clean your fireplace and
chimney before you use it to make sure it is safe. Also, now is a great time to
stock up on wood or propane.
Inspect your furnace.
Change your filters and have a professional inspect your unit. The better you
keep up with maintaining your unit, the longer it will last.
Check your plumbing.
If you haven’t done so in the past, have a plumber check the insulation of your
pipes. Proper insulation will make sure your pipes don’t freeze or bust as the
temperatures drop. Clogged pipes can
also lead to mold so it’s important to check them each year.
Test your smoke
detectors. The normal time to test smoke and carbon monoxide detectors is
when we set our clocks back in fall. If you haven’t already tested them, now is
as good of a time as ever. Winter is a prime time for house fires due to dryer
air and furnace use.
In addition to these things, just do a walkthrough of the
entire house. Are there gaps that need filled? Windows that need replaced,
etc.? Doing so can help alleviate heating costs by keeping cold air out and
warm air in.
If you’re looking to sell your current property or want to
buy a home this winter, contact a United Country agent nearest you. Learn more